Aldia’s Magical Legacy(アルディアの魔法遺産)

Aldia's Magical Legacy(アルディアの魔法遺産)
Aldia’s Magical Legacy(アルディアの魔法遺産)

Long ago, in a world of magic and adventure, a vast realm unfolded. In this world, powerful wizards, courageous adventurers, and the slumbering relics of ancient magic were abundant. However, even in times of peace, shadows of darkness would occasionally descend.

This story focuses on those who rose to the occasion to save the world. They came from diverse backgrounds, each possessing unique magic and abilities, but their hearts were bound by a common belief.


Story Setting(物語の舞台)

“Aldia” is a vast world filled with fantasy, magic, and adventure. In this world, numerous races reside, and magic and wizards are commonplace. Aldia is comprised of different regions, each with its unique landscapes, cultures, and ecosystems.

Elmush Forest: A beautiful forest and the homeland of the Elven race. This place, where light and shadow intertwine, showcases a harmonious blend of nature and magic. The Elves safeguard ancient knowledge, and they rise to Elara Dawnfire’s call. Shadowreach Citadel: The stronghold of the dark wizard Malachi Shadowclaw, featuring a gloomy and imposing castle. This place is shrouded in the power of darkness, and it’s inhabited by terrifying creatures and dark mages. Crimson Spire Mountains: A colossal mountain range with scattered volcanoes and glaciers. Adventurers explore this region, uncovering valuable resources and hidden magical secrets. Aquarium Lake: A stunning lake with an underwater city. Cooperation with water spirits is crucial here, and the lake’s depths hide ancient secrets.

The Effect of the Story Setting: This detailed backdrop sets the stage for players to explore different regions and enjoy a trading card game where they encounter various characters and creatures. Each region has its unique charm and perils, influencing the progression of the story.

Main Character: “Elara Dawnfire.” She is a light mage who wields the power of light to protect the peace of Aldia. Elara has saved the world from past dark threats, but when new enemies arise, they need her power. Elara Dawnfire is a beautiful elf who resides in the Elmush Forest. Her magical abilities are astonishing, allowing her to manipulate the light of the sun. Among the Elves, she is a special presence, in harmony with nature and revered as the guardian of the forest. When Aldia is shrouded in a new threat of darkness, she summons her courage and rallies her companions. Elara symbolizes light and hope, illuminating Aldia’s future.

Final Boss: “Malachi Shadowclaw.” He is a dark wizard with ambitions to rule Aldia. Possessing formidable dark magic and an evil army, Elara and her allies must rise to stop his ambitions. Malachi Shadowclaw is the fearsome ruler of Shadowreach Citadel, a dark wizard who commands the forces of darkness. His magical powers are terrifying, and he uses the powers of darkness and chaos to control his adversaries, spreading fear. He is considered the greatest threat to Aldia, bringing a shadow of darkness to the entire world.


エルムーシュの森(Elmush Forest): 美しい森林で、エルフ族の故郷です。光と影が交錯するこの場所では、自然と魔法が調和しています。エルフたちは古代の知識を守り、Elara Dawnfireの呼びかけに応じて立ち上がります。

シャドウリーチ城(Shadowreach Citadel): 闇の魔法使いMalachi Shadowclawの拠点で、陰鬱な城がそびえ立つ。この場所は闇の力で覆われ、恐ろしいクリーチャーや闇の魔法使いたちが従っています。

クリムゾンスピア山脈(Crimson Spire Mountains): 巨大な山脈で、火山や氷河が点在しています。冒険者たちはこの山脈を探索し、貴重な資源と秘密の魔法を見つけます。
アクアリウム湖(Aquarium Lake): 美しい湖で、水中の都市が存在します。水の精霊との協力が重要で、湖の深部には古代の秘密が隠されています。


主人公:「Elara Dawnfire(エララ・ドーンファイア)」。彼女は光の魔法使いで、アルディアの平和を守るために光の力を駆使します。彼女は過去の闇の脅威から世界を救い出しましたが、新たな敵が現れ、彼女の力を必要としています。

Elara Dawnfire(エララ・ドーンファイア)

ラスボス:「Malachi Shadowclaw(マラカイ・シャドウクロウ)」。彼は闇の魔法使いで、アルディアの支配を企んでいます。彼は強力な闇の魔法と邪悪な軍勢を持っており、彼の野望を阻止するために主人公Elaraと仲間たちが立ち上がります。

Story Progression(ストーリーの展開)

The story revolves around Elara Dawnfire, with her and her companions facing a fierce battle against Malachi Shadowclaw and his minions. Players use Elara and her companions as cards to confront the forces of darkness.

Types of Cards: The deck contains various card types, including magic cards, weapon cards, character cards, and more. Players combine these cards to strategize and face off against Malachi Shadowclaw and his dark forces.

Based on this new story setting, a trading card game unfolds where players embark on adventures with Elara Dawnfire and her companions and engage in an epic showdown with Malachi Shadowclaw.

物語はElara Dawnfireを中心に展開し、彼女と仲間たちがMalachi Shadowclawとその配下との壮絶な戦いに挑む姿を描きます。プレイヤーはElaraと仲間たちをカードとして使用し、闇の力に立ち向かいます。

カードの種類:魔法カード、武器カード、キャラクターカードなど、多彩な種類のカードがデッキに含まれます。プレイヤーはこれらのカードを組み合わせて戦略を立て、Malachi Shadowclawと彼の闇の勢力に立ち向かいます。


Story Image(ストーリーイメージ画像)

NFT Marketplace(NFT販売先)

I am exclusively selling on Opensea at the moment. Stay tuned for future additions to my collection!


Digital art in the style of trading cards(Opensea)

Please give me many favorites. Then, the sales will begin. I would like to add more cards.

If you have any ideas, feel free to let us know!

It’s okay if you send me a DM.

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